Technology & Features

Welcome to Actuvi’s advanced Clinical Software and Patient App features, designed to revolutionize healthcare delivery and empower both providers and patients with comprehensive tools and capabilities. Our innovative technology, user-friendly design, and focus on patient outcomes make Actuvi the ideal partner for modern healthcare practices seeking efficiency, collaboration, improved patient care, and streamlined billing reimbursement reporting.

Clinical Software

Health Data at-a-Glance: Provides healthcare providers with a quick overview of patient health data, including vital signs, medications, allergies, recent medical events, and upcoming appointments.

Monitoring Plans: Allows providers to create customized monitoring plans for patients, defining specific parameters, thresholds, and monitoring intervals for remote patient monitoring (RPM) and therapeutic monitoring.

Asynchronous Messaging: Enables secure messaging between healthcare providers and patients, facilitating asynchronous communication for non-urgent inquiries, follow-ups, and care coordination.

Televisits: Facilitates virtual telehealth visits between providers and patients, offering secure video consultations, audio calls, and real-time communication for remote care delivery.

Automated Notifications: Sends automated notifications and alerts to providers and patients based on predefined triggers, such as abnormal readings, missed appointments, or upcoming monitoring tasks.

Patient Automated Scheduling (In-Person and Telehealth): Allows patients to schedule appointments conveniently, both for in-person visits and telehealth consultations, reducing administrative burden and optimizing clinic scheduling.

Patient Population Notifications: Enables providers to send targeted notifications and health alerts to specific patient populations based on criteria such as Organization, Office, or Carre Team.

Medical Events Tracking: Tracks and logs medical events such as procedures, surgeries, hospitalizations, and significant health milestones, providing a comprehensive view of the patient’s medical history.

Billing Reimbursement Reporting: Generates detailed billing reimbursement reports, showing up to date view on each patient’s progress towards each CPT code available to optimize revenue streams and financial performance.

Patient App

Monitoring Plan: Provides patients with access to their personalized monitoring plans, including tracking parameters, reminders for medication adherence, and instructions for self-monitoring.

Health Data and Trends: Displays comprehensive health data and trends over time, such as vital signs, activity levels, medication adherence, medical events history, and symptom progression.

Patient Assessments: Offers interactive patient assessments and surveys to gather health information, assess symptoms, measure outcomes, and monitor progress throughout the care journey.

Chat with Clinicians: Enables secure messaging and real-time chat with healthcare providers, allowing patients to ask questions, discuss concerns, and receive guidance or advice remotely.

Telehealth Visits: Facilitates virtual telehealth visits through the patient app, providing a seamless experience for scheduling, joining video consultations, and accessing telehealth services from anywhere.

Schedule In-Person or Virtual Dr Appointments: Allows patients to schedule appointments with healthcare providers conveniently, whether for in-person visits or virtual telehealth appointments, improving access to care and appointment management.

Join Us in Shaping the Future of Profitable Healthcare

Experience the power of Actuvi’s Clinical Software and Patient App features today. Whether you’re a healthcare provider looking to streamline workflows, improve patient care, and optimize billing reimbursement reporting or a patient seeking convenient access to telehealth services and personalized care plans, Actuvi is here to empower your healthcare journey. Contact us to schedule a demo or learn more about how Actuvi can transform healthcare delivery and enhance patient experiences for the better. Join us in shaping the future of healthcare together.

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